From UK grassroots to the biggest stages in sport, we're the mouthguard makers with the mission of ensuring the very best of dental protection is made accessible to anyone that needs it, and making a difference along the way...

The Story of The Mouthguard Makers

Masterful mouthguard makers for some time now, we’ve come a long old way since Titan was founded in Jon’s garden shed, catering for a few local schools back in 2010.

Fast forward 10 years and the journey to higher quality, lower price, better service, and most vitally, more accessible fittings for wearers continues.

We now provide Titan custom mouthguards to tens of thousands of wearer’s around the UK via remote appointments and pre-arranged sessions with the ever-present goal of making the professional’s choice of mouthguard accessible for sporting individuals of all ages, abilities and walks of life.

The original few local schools and clubs catered for back in 2010 has grown to over 100 around the UK, the garden shed has transformed into a state of the art lab and working space, and the part-time one man workforce has developed into a dedicated full-time team devoted to bringing the best dental protection to all. It’s safe to say our mouthguards have improved over the years too!

We’ve come a long way since the garden shed… and we’re just getting started!

Behind the slogan


Putting mouthguards aside, helping the wider community and doing our bit for the world outside of Titan is extremely close to heart for our owners Jon and Louis – something which has filtered down to employees and is deeply rooted in the company ethos.

 Personal time is set aside each year for a (usually gruelling) mission to raise money for a chosen charity via blood, sweat and sometimes tears – most recently covering the 96 mile West Highland Way trail in just 3 days, wild camping each night along the way and carrying all supplies for the duration, for the purpose of raising funds for two charities with an important meaning for Jon and Louis.

Playing our part for what we deem to be worthwhile causes will continue to be a big driving force behind everything we do here and we look forward to keeping you up to date with our latest movements on this front with blog posts and other content on the PLAY YOUR PART page.